Friday, 29 November 2013

Day 6: At Sea

Ah yes. Starting our day with breakfast on our balcony. At 10:00AM the weather was +24C, and the winds have picked up to 25 knots from the east (up from15 knots yesterday).

Today was another relaxing day. We slept in until 8:30, then had what has become our customary continental breakfast. While we've been eating inside, today we ate on our balcony since the temperature has warmed up considerably since we left San Francisco.

We then went down to the Piazza to join our fellow passengers in the activities there. We grabbed a cup of coffee, some soup, and hung out in this popular meeting place: 

We had lunch in the da Vinci dining room, poked around some of the shops in the Atrium. Although the winds were at 25 knots gusting to 30, it was warm enough (+27C) to go for a walk around the Promenade on Deck 7.

We went for our third Ukelele lesson at 1:30 in the Vista Lounge on Deck 7. Just when we thought we were getting the hang of it, our instructor threw a few more chords at us. Twisting fingers around to make them do what you want them to do at the right time is definitely an acquired skill.

We spent the rest of our afternoon relaxing at the Oasis Pool & Bar at the stern of the ship on Decks 14, 15 and 16:

And here's a picture of your intrepid travelers at the Oasis:

Tomorrow we cross into another timezone (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time), so we get an extra hour of sleep. Then we land at Maui at around 7:00AM. 

Good night!

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