Thursday 5 February 2015

Our Next Adventure Begins Tomorrow

Wow, it seems like a long time since our last vacation, but in fact it's been only eight months since our trip to Bonaire. Tomorrow we leave for a two-week vacation on the Big Island of Hawaii. As with Bonaire, the focus of this trip will be scuba diving. We'll see some of the coral life unique to Hawaii, along with Manta Rays, and Humpback Whales. Of course we will take time to visit the other attractions on Hawaii - Volcanoes National Park, Kona, the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut, etc.

We'll be traveling with our good friends Tim and Jody, and staying at a vacation rental property in Kona. Our flight route will take us from Winnipeg to Chicago, to San Francisco to Kona. Yeah, it will be a long day, but we are so looking forward to it.

Watch for further blog posts every day or two, and join us on our adventure.

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